
Landscapes By Karen Sperling

Continuing with the methods of using photographic images to create artistic paintings, Karen Sperling has released the second in her series of DVD's of Painting For Photographers. This time the topic is painting landscapes in which she shows you how to select and create works of art using landscape based photographs.

As with portraits, composing and creating a landscape photograph feels much easier to create to most people as compared to painting one. Most photographers feel that to paint from photographs, you must be an artist and have vast artistic skills. The goal of this DVD to show you that anyone who can create a photograph can also paint using photos. It is the same visual sense that drew you to photography can also help you turn your photographs into digital art work. The first three lessons are the bulk of this training with the rest a set of bonus features that take the topics that you have learned and put them to use with different subjects. The photos that are used in lessons two thru five are included on the DVD so you can work along with the training.

Art Lessons ," begins with a segment on some basic art theories that you should know about when working with landscapes. Here you will look at how some of the masters of landscape painting approached their subjects. You begin with looking at the idea that when you paint landscapes, you paint with tones instead of details. Through the use of dramatic tones you can create dramatic paintings.

You will learn how to figure out what is the subject of your painting is so that you can work to apply the greatest contrast of light and dark to the subject area. You will see how to edit tones to get your point across. You will also learn about the color wheel to get the appropriate tones and color schemes to balance your image. You will also learn about color harmony to blend colors within the image.

Lesson 2, "Main 02 - Oil Painting," now takes a look at creating an oil painting from a photo using the art theories that are based on oil painting. First you start off with some basics on Corel Painter such as getting around in the program . You will see how to use the brushes as well as how to install custom brushes that are included on the DVD.

